About GLM

Led by the enthusiasm of the faith in the deep human values, the founding of the Grand Lodge of Macedonia was a vision of several individuals, journey that starts very after the independency of Macedonia. On September 30, 2005, for the first time in the history of the Republic of Macedonia, independent, sovereign and regular Grand Lodge of Macedonia was founded in a special founding ceremony led by MW Pro-Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England, The Most Hon., the Marquess of Northampton, DL. The Grand Lodge of Macedonia is a part of the international Fraternity of regular, autonomous and independent Freemasonry associations. The “Regularity” is very important notion in the Freemasonry and it means historically essential distinction that refers on the consistency in the following of the traditional Masonry, derived from the fundamental constitutive dispositions of the Rules from 1723 (particularly the secular, non-political and non-religious nature), as well as the mutual recognition of the Grand Regular Lodges in the World.
Besides its consecration from the United Grand Lodge of England, the regularity of The Grand Lodge of Macedonia is reaffirmed with the appropriate recognition of the Regular Grand Lodges in the World.